New function: Save recipients in Contacts

In Webmail > Compose (Runbox 6 only) you now have the option to save the recipients of a message in Contacts.

This option is found next to the Send button, and if checked, it will add any recipients to Contacts that aren’t already listed there. The new contacts will be saved in a separate Group called “Auto-saved” to make it easier to find them in Contacts.

The next time you compose a message, the saved recipients will show up in the Groups and Contacts list to the right. They will also appear as suggested matches when you start typing in the recipient fields.

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Font size in Compose screen

There are font size increase/decrease buttons in the lower left corner of Webmail, and these also control the font size in the Compose window in Runbox 5 Basic mode.

Now we have fixed a bug so it also works in Runbox 5 Enhanced mode where the Compose screen opens in a new window.

It doesn’t yet work when writing HTML messages since the HTML editor (TinyMCE) is a separate program and isn’t entirely integrated with Runbox.

For more information about the different versions of Runbox, please see the Webmail Help page.


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