Why am I getting so many spam emails?

You may have noticed that you’re getting a lot more spam email lately, which is frustrating and annoying. You diligently go through these emails and add them to your Spam filter, you block the sender, unsubscribe from mailing lists and so on. The spam emails keep coming…

Why it’s happening

  1. When we sign up for web sites we effectively give them permission to use our email. These companies may sell your email address to other companies who will in turn send you spam.
  2. Whenever there is a data breach on a website where you have subscribed to something, email addresses can be repeatedly sold to other spammers. You can check if your email has been been in a breach here: https://haveibeenpwned.com
  3. Spammers use mechanisms that allow their emails to go through the spam filter. They will use valid email addresses such as a @gmail account, create look-alike domains that will look like a legitimate company, or even spoof your own email address because many people whitelist their own address.
  4. Because of AI, spammers and phishers can very quickly create mass campaigns. Previously, spam was often easily spotted because of bad grammar and lack of personalization (goodbye Nigerian prince). Now, spammers use artificial intelligence to make spam and phishing more convincing, and they use social media, online behavior and public information to generate personalized campaigns. The result is that we are bombarded with spam.

What you can do

  1. Use the spam filter. Anything you report as spam will be moved to your Spam folder.
  2. Automatically reject messages by adding email addresses and domains to your blocked senders list. Runbox will automatically move these messages to your Spam folder.
  3. Opt out of emails from legitimate sites when you can. This might minimize the amount of emails you get. Unsubscribe from mailing lists, although it could be that they’ve already sold your email address to other companies who then send you lots of spam.
  4. Do not respond to spam emails. Don’t click on any links. Don’t try to unsubscribe from obvious spam because clicking any links will validate your email address to the spammers. If an email looks like it’s from your bank or some other institution, don’t use the links in that email but go directly to their website by entering their domain name into the browser and only log in when you’re certain it is safe to enter your password. Read more about spam and phishing.
  5. Keep separate email addresses for personal and online use. Only use your online email address when you sign up for things. Anything you do online, use that email. Save your “real” email address for personal and business emails. You might even want to start from scratch if you’ve been getting a lot of spam. You can create aliases and sub-accounts for personal and online use, and even use plus-addressing to more easily filter spam away from legitimate email.

What we are doing

Internet Service Providers (ISP) and email providers used to be really good at blocking spam emails. It’s not that our spam filters have gotten worse at blocking spam, the problem is that spammers have gotten a lot better, especially with the use of AI.

Runbox uses the popular SpamAssassin spam filter system which works to assess and filter spam by analyzing each email using over 700 tests. Each email is given a score value to assess how spammy it is. The test scores can be positive or negative, with a positive value indicating spam, and negative value indicating non-spam. A global score system indicates the probability that a message is spam. You can delve into all the fun details here and here.

We don’t like spam either, and we are working hard to improve the spam filter rules and the way spam is filtered. We have recently upgraded SpamAssassin across our service and are evaluating the various tests to ensure they are working properly. In addition, we are enabling a trainable filtering component in SpamAssassin that should improve the situation further.

For more in-dept discussion on spam and phishing, including do’s and don’ts, see this post: What is spam, and how to avoid it

Keep in touch via our chat community or check status updates.

Stay tuned!

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Using Runbox aliases

It’s been a while since we wrote about one of the most useful Runbox features — aliases!

Aliases are a great way to organise your email, and also a very useful tool in avoiding too many problems making changes if an email address starts to receive more unsolicited or spam email than it is easy to deal with.


Aliases are alternative email addresses for your Runbox account that deliver mail to your existing Inbox, the same Inbox your main username delivers message to. You can send and receive mail using an alias and nobody other than you need know that it is an alias. You will see aliases listed in the Compose window if you are using our webmail, and if you are using an email program you can usually set them up in the account settings.

Using your aliases

Many people use aliases to separate mail to/from different groups of people, or to separate business and personal use. You can even use filters to automatically move incoming mail addressed to aliases to specific folders in your account.

When you sign up for online accounts of different kinds (e.g. online shopping, forums, finance etc.) you could use a different alias for each account. You can use more important aliases for organisations where you feel your information is more secure, and other aliases, that you might consider throwaway addresses, for less reputable websites.

Unsolicited/spam mail

You may not be able to tell if a website is reputable or not, but if you use aliases for different kinds of use and you start getting too much unsolicited email to one or more of them, the easier option might be to decide not to use a particular alias any longer and to replace it with another one.

Abandoning an address and deleting the alias is one way to make sure it can’t receive email, but if it is your only or main email address this could mean telling friends, family, work colleagues and a whole list of websites you new address. However, if the address is an alias and you only use it for a small number of websites then it is easier to justify deleting the alias as it is less effort to set up a new alias on those websites

Setting up aliases

Runbox provides all customers with 100 aliases for their account, regardless of their plan choice. Aliases can be set up and managed by going to Account >> Aliases.

Aliases are not forwarding addresses, and forwarding can be achieved using filters. However, to allow certain combinations of Runbox accounts to work together we have made it possible for aliases to deliver messages to another Runbox account other than the account they are created on.

When you delete an alias it is permanently reserved for your account, and you can always add it back to the account that it was originally set up on. That way, you can temporarily disable an alias by deleting it, and then reinstate it at a later time.

Aliases and sub-addressing

There is another way you can create additional addresses on your account, and we will be looking at that in our next blog post about sub-addressing.

If you have any questions about using aliases, please see our help page about Aliases and Profiles.

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How To Use Email Like a Pro 3: Use Several Addresses

Using just one email address can make your email communication disorganized because everything ends up in the same folder by default. It can also make you more vulnerable to spam — if your one address is picked up by so-called spambots there isn’t much you can do about it.

Having more than one email address provides great flexibility because you can associate them with the various aspects of your life such as work, school, personal, shopping, etc.

Not only will your email be much easier to organize, but you can use one of the alternative addresses for various online services — some of which might share your address with third parties with or without your consent, thereby attracting spam to your account.

Email Aliases

With Runbox you can easily set up multiple email aliases that point to your account. An email alias is simply an alternative to your main email address, and email sent to it will arrive in your account just as if it had been sent to your main address.

You can associate aliases with different email folders in your account by using filters to sort incoming email based on the recipient (alias) address.

This way you can manage several identities or profiles and gain more control over your email. Find out more about aliases or go straight to Account: Aliases in the main menu in your Runbox account to get started.

Disposable Email Addresses

Runbox even lets you use disposable addresses by adding + and a string of letters and numbers between your username and the @ sign. For instance, if your username is zorro, you can already receive email sent to zorro+whatever@nullrunbox.com.

This means that you can enter for instance zorro+idontwantspam@nullrunbox.com as your email address in a contact form at some online service, and your account will receive email sent to that address just as if it had been sent to your regular address.

Filtering Your Email

You can now filter messages sent to your alias or disposable address to a separate folder, thereby protecting your more important addresses and keeping spam away from your Inbox.

For even more fine-grained filtering, you can include the name of the service you’re leaving your dispaosable email address with, and filter email from each service to separate folders.

To find out more about email filters, see the Filter help page.

Using Catch All for unlimited aliases on your own domain.

If you own your own domain, it is possible to use the “catch all” function in Runbox Mail Manager as a way to have unlimited email aliases on that domain. You can even use filters to forward emails to other accounts within Runbox, or to other email providers.

To activate this feature go to Account > Email Hosting and select the catch all check box next to the domains you want activate catch all for, and then click “Save Settings”.

All emails addressed to anything@nulldomainyouown.com will be delivered to your account.

N.B.: Using the catch all function can attract more spam, but it is possible to control this (see below).

We will soon write another blog post about using catch all alongside filters to provide aliases for various uses, and how to control spam that using the catch all function might attract.

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How To Use Email Like a Pro 2: Use a Smartphone

In today’s world of constant communication, being able to pick up your email on the go lets you stay in touch with your workplace, family, and friends regardless of where you are.

Stay connected, stay efficient

Not only does this let you stay connected in case an important message is sent to you while you’re on the road, but perhaps equally important: You can spend idle time, for instance at an airport or on a train, to stay ahead of your email communication and avoid getting a backlog which you’ll have to process once you get to a computer.

Using a Smartphone with IMAP

With a Smartphone, for instance an Apple iPhone, checking your Runbox email on the go becomes a pure pleasure. If you set up your phone to use Runbox via IMAP, you will stay completely synchronized with the server and any other computers that are configured in the same way. You can find detailed instructions on how to set up Runbox on an iPhone in our Help section.

Be aware of disruptions

Since you can connect to Runbox in a multitude of ways and from virtually any location anywhere in the world, it’s important to be aware of how to manage your communication as efficiently as possible. For instance, it can be helpful to check email regularly and at certain times to avoid it disrupting work and life too much. More on this in later posts!


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How To Use Email Like a Pro 1: Use Webmail (and IMAP)

Use Webmail

With Runbox, all your email is stored securely on our servers and is accessible to you wherever you might be located, regardless of the computer or device you happen to be using.

The easiest and most direct access method is the Runbox Webmail, which immediately provides a complete overview of the folders and messages in your account.

Webmail is easily the fastest method too, because Runbox is a database accelerated system. On the servers, all the key information about each message (sender, subject, date/time, etc) is stored in a database. The Runbox Webmail just has to poll the database instead of checking the content of each message to display the message overview in a folder, which is what IMAP and POP would have to do.

Use IMAP instead of POP

If you want to download email to your computer, mobile phone, or tablet, consider using IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) instead of POP. IMAP allows your email client to stay completely synchronized with all your folders on the server while also downloading messages locally.

IMAP not only synchronizes the messages themselves, but also the read/unread status and flags of each message. It will even copy messages you send from your device to the server’s Sent folder.

POP (Post Office Protocol), on the other hand, can only download from one folder (usually the Inbox) at a time, and can be set to delete the messages from the server so that they can’t be accessed from another device.

Stay synchronized with Webmail + IMAP

The combination of Webmail and IMAP is ideal if you use more than one computer or device, if you’re traveling, and if you’d like to stay connected wherever you may be.

You’ll never have to be without your email again!

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How To Use Email Like a Pro

After more than 10 years of running a professional email service, we have gained a lot of experience on using email effectively and efficiently. And we know about many of the mistakes that can be made when it comes to email.

So in this blog series we’d like to let you in on some of the tips and tricks that will let you use email like a professional!

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