Runbox 7 updates June-July 2020: Webmail and Compose improvements

New features such as listing messages by recipient, recently used recipients on Compose, and several other improvements.

  1. New feature (compose): Compose now accepts pasting email lists recipients
  2. Bug fixes (common): Fix edge-case email address (list) parsing
  3. Bug fixes (compose): Different positions for action buttons for mobile and desktop
  4. Bug fixes (compose): Push draft action buttons further apart
  5. Bug fixes (webmail): Only recount folder unread counts after content change
  6. New feature (webmail): Reset search when switching folders
  7. Bug fixes (compose): Make layout more responsive
  8. New feature (webmail): Add a list of popular email recipients to the sidebar
  9. Bug fixes (compose): Update recipient suggests whenever searchindex is updated
  10. New feature (multiple_msg_unread): Replace endpoint that marks multiple messages as unread/unflag
  11. Bug fixes (compose): Update angular deprecated recommendations
  12. Bug fixes (mark_multiple_msgs): Update before the request is completed
  13. Bug fixes (mark_multiple_messages): Try to use to fix e2e errors
  14. Bug fixes (compose): Make sure suggested contacts are shown with their names
  15. Bug fixes (compose): Make sure we can still drag and drop suggestions to CC/BCC and have them show up
  16. Bug fixes (compose): Reload CC and BCC contents properly
  17. New feature (compose): Allow drag-and-drop for suggested contacts
  18. New feature (compose): Keep feeding the suggestion list after some contacts are selected
  19. Bug fixes (webmail): Make switching to the current folder a no-op
  20. Bug fixes (compose): Show only one suggestions bar per compose window
  21. Bug fixes (compose): Make sure profiles are loaded correctly regardless of races
  22. Bug fixes (compose): Cope with reply-to field in new TO format
  23. Bug fixes (compose): Ensure we cope with CC/BCC emails containing a comma
  24. Bug fixes (compose): Re-add code lost in cherry picking/merging
  25. Bug fixes (compose): Cope with replying to emails where From name contains a comma

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