More compact view with more efficient use of space, and a ton of other improvements and bug fixes!

- New feature (account-details): Add API calls for account details (3a2a960)
- Visual changes (app): Remove styles for mat-select and mat-icon that are not needed (d00f3bb)
- New feature (account-details): Add Account Details content to Runbox7 (0e0150f)
- New feature (account-details): Add form controls (86b7048)
- Internal changes (components): Redo runbox-container so that it fits our needs (3c39649)
- Internal changes (account): port account-app to the new runbox-container (4a8b4f4)
- Visual changes (app): make the toolbar always visible for a more consistent look (eb7d2fe)
- Visual changes (help): Add a toolbar to the help component (92f8a8b)
- Internal changes (domainregister): bring domreg under the /account/ namespace (d2138d5)
- Bug fix (menu): Link logo to Welcome screen. (7afbece)
- Bug fix (menu): Fix Settings URL (729a514)
- Internal changes (account-details): Fix naming for address and phone variables (15533c4)
- Internal changes (account-details): Wire up storage details page with API (52f5097)
- Visual changes (contacts-app): Fix capitalization in menu and contant information panel (ded0ef7)
- Visual changes (calendar-app): Fix capitalization (d174e8d)
- Visual changes (profiles): Fix capitalization (b05d7c9)
- Visual changes (account-security): Fix capitalization (03802d0)
- Visual changes (account-app): Fix capitalization and wording (6273af2)
- Internal changes (app): Fix tests after rewording items across the app (7500bbb)
- Bug fix (contacts): Contacts with company-name only now create correctly (5959023)
- Bug fix (mailview): Ensure we invalidate the message cache for HTML update (bddf99d)
- Visual changes (payment): Improve text and icons. (#996) (933d2f1)
- Visual changes (welcome): Improve layout and make it more consistent. (307cc50)
- Visual changes (welcome): Make formatting more consistent. (dd935ec)
- Bug fix (welcome): Ensure Runbox 6 links open in new tab. (1634198)
- Visual changes (welcom): Make formatting more consistent. (0447e96)
- Visual changes (account): Re-apply changes lost in merge. (b47e6d0)
- Bug fix (contacts): make sure we’re not accidentally silencing errors when saving contacts (d8985da)
- Bug fix (contacts): fix unnamed contacts being accidentally filtered out (81d4a25)
- Bug fix (contacts): allow saving unnamed contacts (0e26978)
- Bug fix (webmail): temporarily revert #1003 and #1011 to fix HTML email rendering (0409615)
- Bug fix (lint): Fix linting error. (1cd4e41)
- Bug fix (welcome): Add missing file. (f379486)
- Bug fix (welcome): Add missing file. (081a36a)
- Internal changes (account-details): Add ability to change timezones and country (5664f03)
- Internal changes (account-details): Remove password change from the form (00718fe)
- Bug fix (welcome): Set target on link to documentation. (4f319ee)
- Internal changes (account-details): Fix units in Data Usage table (9a7ec64)
- Visual changes (welcome): Improve layout and make it more consistent. (#1021) (8704ef5)
- (bug-report): Add note about the use of submitted reports. (#1027) (8920637)
- Visual changes (menu): Re-apply main menu transition adjustment. (eeb9a61)
- Visual changes (account): Adjust formatting. (e8896af)
- New feature (account-security): Split Security into separate items, make dedicated Security menu (b5cc93c)
- Internal changes (account-security): Fix tests (e37f14b)
- Visual changes (account-security): Add icons to Security menu items (45a98ff)
- Internal changes (settings): Fix formatting of account-welcome file (9d20c34)
- Internal changes (settings): Split Security into separate items (2a7635e)
- Internal changes (account-security): Comment out Last Logins (6c137b6)
- Visual changes (settings): Center icons in the left-hand menu (90b6579)
- Bug fix (folders): Display top-level folders in user-sorted order (feb8070)
- Bug fix (settings): Fix position of Settings Menu title for mobile (406c503)
- Castaway/html caching again (#1038) (c330999)
- Internal changes (build): make sure build job fails if the app did not compile correctly (cb56491)
- Bug fix (account-security): fix a compilation error (35093f1)
- Bug fix (mailviewer): make attachments show up again (0426b3c)
- Visual changes (settings): Fix Settings Menu title styles (574c72a)
- Internal changes (contacts): simplify formarray editors (b9e40dc)
- New feature (contacts): allow inviting people to videocalls (45590d5)
- Bug fix (contacts): only allow videocalls for @runbox addresses (7292fe8)
- Bug fix (onscreen): make the URL reflect the meeting state (11387b9)
- New feature (onscreen): replace placeholder buttons with a (locally) persistent meeting list (1deacea)
- Bug fix (compose): Switch to download prompt for files, to mitigate XSS (99950a4)
- Bug fix (mailviewer): Prevent HTML view having multiple scroll layers (bd509bc)
- New feature (account-security): Add possibility to change Password (89752d8)
- Bug fix (maillist): Ensure actions involving 2 folders update counts on both (fa4fcc6)
- Internal changes (account-details): Wire account-settings table to the API (4e623b1)
- Internal changes (account-app): Fix document formatting (a96596a)
- Bug fix (indexer): Allow user-actions to interrupt current index syncing (4444e50)
- Bug fix (indexer): Continue indexing if a missing-body fetch fails (7f10dac)
- Internal changes (rmmapi): Update tests to reflect checking of error status (617b303)
- Internal changes (system): Upgrade Cypress to 7.7.0 (2846265)
- New feature (app-passwords): use monospaced fonts for app passwords listing (0b1dd11)
- Internal changes (deps): bump tinymce from 5.6.2 to 5.7.1 (a10852a)
- Internal changes (account-details): Fix account settings updating (7214129)
- Bug fix (settings): Add missing Domain Registration tile (14eb724)
- Bug fix (mailviewer): Update maillist after delete/move (226ee3c)
- Bug fix (mailviewer): Show attachments (including internal) in plain text mode (79f257b)
- Bug fix (mailviewer): Msg llist can scroll to bottom when pane is open (a3d536a)
- Bug fix (mailviewer): Ensure mail pane menu always visible (5304bc5)
- Bug fix (mailviewer): Allow message scrolling while pane is open (oops) (abedd29)
- Bug fix (mailviewer): Speed up regular update by recounting only changes (426d75c)
- Bug fix (mailviewer): Speed up regular update by only redrawing changes (ad5ab1c)
- Bug fix (mailviewer): Display image attachments in HTML unless inline (424bc80)
- New feature ure(mailviewer): Store/display any error messages on msg load (20f35a0)
- Bug fix (mailviewer): Refreshing a msg id url should jump to item in list (313d6bf)
- Bug fix (mailviewer): Remove big icons from print view (f1fcf3c)
- Bug fix (mailviewer): Mention contact support when showing message snackbar (cc90467)
- Icon fix for headers align with show all headers (2f3539a)
- rescale contact icon & remove dotted underline (b29207d)
- Added left padding to message header area (7270bc6)
- Bug fix (login) Allow normal text in OTP input (7702aaf)
- Bug fix (app): Fit message list option menu on small mobile screens (c8dfefa)
- New feature ure(mailviewer): Enable display of msg preview without index (f1e1c2a)
- New feature ure(mailviewer): Enable “unread only” list mode without the index (3d7bfa3)
- Bug fix (mailviewer): Show conditional tooltips on view options menu (7128d94)
- Update issue templates (60b2d84)
- Bug fix (mailviewer): Remove big icons from print view (dee596d)
- Made padding in line with subject and added to extended (4d9e166)
- Bug fix (identities): Ensure identities can be told apart (9964446)
- Bug fix (foldercounts): Update counts on index refresh, only when changed (e4bacb7)
- made everyhing align with padding (081864b)
- Bug fix (identities): Only display “origin” field for RMM6 folders (b02298c)
- Internal changes (account-details): Improve selection of Countries and Timezones (41f93e6)
- Internal changes (account-details): Add a password prompt for Account Details changes (786f6f2)
- Bug fix (index): Cope with emails with no plain text part (a88378d)
- Internal changes (npm): Add package to list countries with their ISO codes (954cb3c)
- Internal changes (account-details): Replace moment.js timezones with custom timezones endpoint (4ab8fc9)
- Internal changes (account-details): Change path and naming of account preferences (dd78c93)
- New feature (account-app): Add Account Details tiles to the main Account Settings page (3670a52)
- Bug fix (account-app): Change description for Account Password tile (622809f)
- Internal changes (account-details): Fix typos (dc3f0da)
- Bug fix (canvas): Ensure scaling (for HiDPI displays) is consistent (5ec1dd3)
- Bug fix (bug_report): Fixes issue While in Drafts folder, can’t compose a bug report · Issue #1077 · runbox/runbox7 · GitHub (d67d398)
- Bug fix (bug_report): Fixes issue While in Drafts folder, can’t compose a bug report · Issue #1077 · runbox/runbox7 · GitHub (92ac956)
- Internal changes (deps): bump tinymce from 5.7.1 to 5.9.0 (badee30)
- Bug fix (mailviewer): Add horizontal scroll to message view (8d92267)
- Bug fix (search): Allow resizing of folder column (583d893)
- Bug fix (messagelist): Store col resizing per view/set of columns (66be481)
- Internal changes (deps): bump tinymce from 5.9.0 to 5.10.0 (e001f24)
- New feature (account-app): Remove renewal options from storage space products (f43bf22)
- Bug fix (mailviewer): Improve header formatting for forwarded HTML messages (0391ed3)
- Bug fix (mailviewer): Change reply header for HTML messages (ecc4cb3)
- (fix): remove unlock code “security question” from login because these have been deprecated (cc19ded)
- Visual changes (condensed-layout): Decrease font sizes for more efficient use of space. (5a3f3eb)
- Bug fix (mailviewer): Access messageHeaderHTML only when loaded (8dec702)
- Visual changes (settings): Improve text and formatting. (#1124) (f241161)
- Bug fix (mailviewer): Fix horizontal scroll for iframe in message view (d962c84)
- Internal changes (deps): bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 (19df238)
- Internal changes (deps): bump jszip from 3.4.0 to 3.7.1 (62d7605)
- Internal changes (deps): bump tar from 6.0.5 to 6.1.11 (3512b8b)
- Internal changes (deps): bump @npmcli/arborist from 2.0.2 to 2.10.0 (88c9175)
- Visual changes (condensed-layout): Improve alignment of left pane elements. (b97cac3)
- Visual changes (condensed-layout): Improve alignment of Mail left pane elements. (5a9ebfe)
- Internal changes (deps): bump url-parse from 1.5.1 to 1.5.3 (cd05662)
- Internal changes (deps): bump color-string from 1.5.4 to 1.6.0 (9efd3be)
- Internal changes (deps): bump dns-packet from 1.3.1 to 1.3.4 (0d75918)
- Internal changes (deps): bump browserslist from 4.16.3 to 4.18.1 (244ecba)
- Internal changes (deps): bump hosted-git-info from 3.0.7 to 3.0.8 (43b46ec)
- Internal changes (deps): bump @npmcli/git from 2.0.6 to 2.1.0 (4e72df0)
- Visual changes (condensed-layout): Condense top welcome and search bar vertically. (690d6e1)
- Visual changes (condensed-layout): Decrease height of search bar and message action menu. (2995ef3)
- Visual changes (condensed-layout): Decrease font size and horizontal size of draft previews. (1cb3770)
- Internal changes (account-app): Fix code formatting (192778a)
- Visual changes (login): Update payment link and description. (062fa3d)
- Bug fix (login): Show payment text and link depending on trial status. (93a377e)
- Bug fix (lint): Fix lint errors. (0b8399b)
- Bug fix (your-subscriptions): Make subscriptions table usable on small screens (e0b7766)
- Bug fix (login): Fix typo. (1071e55)
- Bug fix (login): Fix e2e test error. Needs logic to distinguish trial users. (7395676)
- Bug fix (login): Improve login error messages and logic. (29bd2d2)
- Visual changes (condensed-layout): Improve formatting of message list options menu. (59c5dab)
- Visual changes (condensed-layout): Decrease size of various elements. (46b979d)
- Bug fix (login): Complete rest of status error messages. (4b8338f)
- Bug fix (lint): Fix lint errors. (f6c6e28)
- Internal changes (deps): bump lodash from 4.17.20 to 4.17.21 (5a16ff7)
- Internal changes (deps): bump ws from 6.2.1 to 6.2.2 (d869285)
- Visual changes (condensed-layout): Improve formatting of Contacts search field. (864bf48)
- Bug fix (login); Improve description of canceled subscriptions. (5b5f541)
- Visual changes (condensed-layout): Make vertical spacing more consistent across all screens. (774192d)
- Internal changes (mailviewer): Update test to correspond with new canvastable row heights. (2949393)
- Update (0edd870)
- Visual changes (condensed-layout): Improve layout of drafts. (9a5e7d6)
- Visual changes (condensed-layout): Improve formatting of sidenav for small screens. (a776ee4)
- Bug fix (credit-cards): Improve the look of payment forms on mobile (375dfb2)
- Visual changes (condensed-layout): Fix size of Compose text area and message header. (7748918)