Runbox 7 updates January-February 2021: Improvements to Account Security and Profiles

Much better mobile views and many other improvements.

  1. New feature (usage): Add usage stats for tracking the popularity of components/settings
  2. Bug fixes (app): Hide the overview button if no local index is available
  3. Bug fixes (mailviewer): Fix disappearing mail viewer menu
  4. Bug fixes (mailviewer): Delete trash more efficiently (with less errors)
  5. New feature (account): Make transactions page usable on mobile
  6. Visual changes (account): Move the shopping cart icon to the toolbar in mobile
  7. Visual changes (account): Improve the cart listing on mobile screens
  8. Visual changes (account): Make product cards more responsive
  9. Bug fixes (canvastable): Be a bit more lenient when detecting message selection Visual changes (account): Make payment methods more responsive
  10. Visual changes (account): Improve payment form responsiveness
  11. Visual changes (account-security): Make section toggles lay out better
  12. Visual changes (account-security): Make HTML code formatting consistent
  13. Visual changes (account-security): Improve layout responsiveness for TOTP
  14. Visual changes (account-security): Improve responsiveness of trusted browser entry
  15. Visual changes (account-security): Replace trusted browsers table
  16. Visual changes (account-security): Make Services table more mobile-friendly
  17. Visual changes (account-security): Don’t wrap dates in Trusted Browsers table
  18. Visual changes (account-security): Fix minor alignment issue in trusted browser
  19. Visual changes (account-security): Fix name and mobile alignment for the status
  20. Visual changes (account-security): Make app passwords usable on mobile
  21. Visual changes (mobilequery): Allow for phone/tablet/desktop layouts
  22. Visual changes (profiles): Make Identities page mobile friendly
  23. Visual changes (profiles): Reposition warning message and make it more visible
  24. Visual changes (profiles): Make editor modal mobile friendly
  25. Bug fixes (searchservice): Fix test failures that Angular 10 uncovered
  26. Bug fixes (mailviewer): Remove an excessive icon description
  27. New feature (account): Integrate account security in the account sidemenu
  28. New feature (account): Include identities in the account settings sidemenu
  29. New feature (webmail): Monitor users’ local index dialog decision
  30. Bug fixes (compose): Always set a reply to when the “From” changes
  31. Bug fixes (tinymce_spellcheck): fixes issue 480 where TinyMCE intercept right-click and breaks spell check
  32. Bug fixes (tinymce): Make icons load again
  33. New feature (identity): Make main identity editable
  34. Bug fixes (calendar): Ensure events are displayed chronologically
  35. New feature (webmail): Track instances of index removal
  36. Bug fixes (contacts): Improve error strictness/messaging on contacts import
  37. Visual changes (account-security): Fix responsivity, add last-logins table
  38. Visual changes (account-security): Add Sessions table for mobile
  39. Bug fixes (account-app): Fix a typo in Subscriptions
  40. Visual changes (account): Change font formatting for more minimal look
  41. New feature (app): Redirect standalone identities and accountsecurity
  42. New feature (payments): Disable Bitpay payment option

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Runbox 7 updates December 2020: Improvements to Start Desk

  1. New feature (usage): Add usage stats for tracking the popularity of components/settings
  2. Bug fixes (app): Hide the overview button if no local index is available
  3. Bug fixes (mailviewer): Fix disappearing mail viewer menu
  4. New feature (webmail): Integrate startdesk as a webmail “folder”
  5. Bug fixes (recursive_dynamic_builder): Lint errors fix
  6. Bug fixes (startdesk): Remove timeperiod-specific wording
  7. Visual changes (start): Fix breakpoints for mobile
  8. Visual changes (start): Condense layout in heading area
  9. Visual changes (start): Move section title to the top bar for mobile
  10. Visual changes (start): Clean up and remove unused code
  11. Visual changes (start): Remove heading and adjust the space in top area
  12. Bug fixes (calendar): Ensure we show recurring events correctly color-tagged
  13. New feature (builder): Remove unused var
  14. New feature (builder): Runbox dynamic builder research
  15. New feature (startdesk): Implement folder selectors
  16. New feature (start): Add folder selector.
  17. Visual changes (startdesk): Make folder selector a little more bearable on mobile
  18. Bug fixes (start): Fix case sensitivity for address matching
  19. Visual changes (start): Improve responsivity for mobile screens
  20. Bug fixes (contacts): Only sync once during import of many contacts
  21. New feature (sentry): Include user data in error reports
  22. Bug fixes (account_security): Fix modal typo s/reasions/reasons/

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Runbox 7 updates September-November 2020: Account Security screen and other improvements

Brand-new Account Security screen, and numerous other improvements and bug fixes.

  1. Bug fixes (account security): Total number of cols is 6 and not 7
  2. New feature (account): Add a way to view sub-accounts associated with a product
  3. New feature (account security): Add missing main app password toggle
  4. Bug fixes (account security): List FTP last on services
  5. New feature (account security): Update last logins labels. show success/fail insteac of 1/0
  6. New feature (account security): Hide account security access control
  7. Bug fixes (account security: Suppress always block button
  8. Bug fixes (mailviewer): Show missing From content when not using local index
  9. Visual changes (payment): Remove 20th Anniversary special offer promotion.
  10. Bug fixes (account): Invert the condition checking for the limited time offer
  11. Bug fixes (account-timer): Make sure RunboxTimer is always properly initialized
  12. Bug fixes (webmail): Fix URL navigation
  13. Bug fixes (cart): Allow purchases (with warnings) even if unavailable products are in the cart
  14. New feature (mailviewer): Add select-all option for selecting messages
  15. Bug fixes (contacts, calendar): Warn user on incorrect import file types
  16. Bug fixes (mailviewer): Stop select-all-menu from jamming
  17. Bug fixes (cart): Fix an exception upon viewing an empty cart
  18. Bug fixes (cart): Fix a cart bug when two separate, identical products appear in it
  19. Bug fixes (calendar): Editing an item displays the correct times
  20. Visual changes (payment): Add 20th Anniversary special offer promotion.
  21. Bug fixes (account security): Don’t display bottom pane “invalid password” msg
  22. Bug fixes (start): Comment out panel mockups from the view
  23. Bug fixes (webmail): Select loaded row url correctly on refresh
  24. New feature (account security): Update account security menu link
  25. Bug fixes (account security): Use routerLink in the account security link
  26. Bug fixes (account): Don’t require Micro accounts to purchase addons for own domain usage

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Runbox 7 updates August-September 2020: Webmail improvements

Webmail improvements including Saved Searches, which lets you instantly bring up results of previously saved search terms.

  1. New feature (identities): Order From entries by priority
  2. New feature (dkim): Add a note about selector2 and when it will become active
  3. New feature (account security): Improve password validation and error messages on Account Security to avoid confusion
  4. New feature (dialog): Allow submitting dialogs with Enter/Return key
  5. Bugfix (canvastable): Make sort icons show actual sorting direction
  6. New feature (webmail): add a way to save and reuse searches
  7. Visual fix (app): Remove obsolete instances of mat-icons
  8. Bugfix (startdesk): Fix linter and policy errors
  9. Bugfix (folders): Improve folder count reliability in some edge cases

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Runbox 7 updates August 2020: Performance and Contacts improvements

Improved and more consistent performance, a new menu for marking messages read and flagged, improved Contacts layout, and many other fixes and improvements.

  1. Bugfix (webmail): Update local (non-index) folder counts on refresh
  2. New feature (login): Set inputmode to show email and numeric keyboards on mobile as appropriate
  3. New feature (webmail): Always show popular recipients component if enabled, even with no local index
  4. Bugfix (account): Redirect domain renewals to domain registration app
  5. Bugfix (webmail): Ensure folder counts are updated after read/unread
  6. New feature (webmail): Change icons and tooltips when a message is deleted from trash
  7. New feature (compose): Add debug logs for measuring impact of recipient loading
  8. New feature (folder): Speed up folder size calculations
  9. New feature (webmail): Separate read/unread, flag/unflag in multi-menu
  10. Bugfix (menu): Hide account security until its backend issues are resolved
  11. Bugfix (mailviewer): Load mailpane status (vert/horiz) on page load
  12. Bugfix (compose): Set focus in textarea for replies
  13. Bugfix (contacts-app): Correct filtering options background color
  14. Bugfix (contacts-app): Fix positioning of email contact icon
  15. Bugfix (contacts-app): Make middle column width adjust to its content

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Runbox 7 updates July 2020: Contacts improvements

A brand new Contacts interface, one-click view all email by recipient, contact avatar support, and many other improvements and bug fixes.

  1. New feature (app): Implement indicators for multipart background activities
  2. New feature (contacts): Add background activity indicator
  3. Bugfix (mailviewer): React to avatar settings as soon as they change
  4. New feature (contacts): Add a tooltip to picture upload button if gravatars are disabled
  5. Bugfix (contacts): Hide pictures in contact details if they’re disabled
  6. Bugfix (identitys): make main identity email field read only
  7. New feature (contacts): Add avatar settings to Contacts settings
  8. Visual fix (compose): Show suggested recipients with light gray background. (#693)
  9. Bugfix (webmail): Redraw folders properly after new item completed.
  10. Bugfix (contacts): Scroll details to top when new contact is selected
  11. New feature (contacts): Add settings to adjust avatar use in the app
  12. New feature (mailviewer): Use pictures from contacts when available
  13. New feature (contacts): Allow uploading/deleting contact pictures
  14. New feature (contacts): Show pictures/gravatars on contact details page
  15. New feature (mailviewer): Show gravatars when available
  16. Visual fix (webmail): Add a tooltip for webmail settings button
  17. Bugfix (webmail): Make sure we can still use saved searches when no folder is selected
  18. Bugfix (contacts): Make contacts draggable again
  19. Bugfix (webmail): Fix switching folders not working in some cases
  20. New feature (contacts): Add hints to columns indicating what they’re for when they’re empty
  21. Visual fix (contacts): Minor layout fixes to contactlist
  22. Visual fix (contacts): Make the 3-column layout more rigid
  23. Bugfix (contacts): Fix a template crash when deleted contacts exist as group members
  24. Visual fix (calendar-app): Side-nav menu styles fix
  25. Visual fix (contacts-app): Side-nav menu styles fix
  26. Bugfix (contacts): Make contactlist scroll independently of contact details
  27. New feature (webmail): Show folder count for drafts
  28. New feature (webmail): Add webmail settings, allowing the disabling of popular recipients
  29. Visual fix (webmail): Move message action menu to middle column
  30. Visual fix (compose): Differentiate “Recently used” from recipients
  31. Visual fix (compose): Differentiate “Recently used” from recipients
  32. Bugfix (compose): From-specific reply-to addresses saved/stored if setup
  33. New feature (contacts): Add a way to edit group members from the group page in mobile view

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Runbox 7 updates June-July 2020: Webmail and Compose improvements

New features such as listing messages by recipient, recently used recipients on Compose, and several other improvements.

  1. New feature (compose): Compose now accepts pasting email lists recipients
  2. Bug fixes (common): Fix edge-case email address (list) parsing
  3. Bug fixes (compose): Different positions for action buttons for mobile and desktop
  4. Bug fixes (compose): Push draft action buttons further apart
  5. Bug fixes (webmail): Only recount folder unread counts after content change
  6. New feature (webmail): Reset search when switching folders
  7. Bug fixes (compose): Make layout more responsive
  8. New feature (webmail): Add a list of popular email recipients to the sidebar
  9. Bug fixes (compose): Update recipient suggests whenever searchindex is updated
  10. New feature (multiple_msg_unread): Replace endpoint that marks multiple messages as unread/unflag
  11. Bug fixes (compose): Update angular deprecated recommendations
  12. Bug fixes (mark_multiple_msgs): Update before the request is completed
  13. Bug fixes (mark_multiple_messages): Try to use to fix e2e errors
  14. Bug fixes (compose): Make sure suggested contacts are shown with their names
  15. Bug fixes (compose): Make sure we can still drag and drop suggestions to CC/BCC and have them show up
  16. Bug fixes (compose): Reload CC and BCC contents properly
  17. New feature (compose): Allow drag-and-drop for suggested contacts
  18. New feature (compose): Keep feeding the suggestion list after some contacts are selected
  19. Bug fixes (webmail): Make switching to the current folder a no-op
  20. Bug fixes (compose): Show only one suggestions bar per compose window
  21. Bug fixes (compose): Make sure profiles are loaded correctly regardless of races
  22. Bug fixes (compose): Cope with reply-to field in new TO format
  23. Bug fixes (compose): Ensure we cope with CC/BCC emails containing a comma
  24. Bug fixes (compose): Re-add code lost in cherry picking/merging
  25. Bug fixes (compose): Cope with replying to emails where From name contains a comma

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Runbox 7 updates June 2020: Webmail and Contacts improvements

  1. Bugfix (webmail): Make sure the URL fragment updates after closing an email
  2. Bugfix (webmail): Prefer contact recipients over searchindex recipients
  3. Bugfix (webmail): Visually scroll the message list when using the up/down keys
  4. Bugfix (contacts): Contact updates now appear in compose window directly after update/addition
  5. Bugfix (webmail): Update contacts cache separately from search index contacts
  6. Refactor (compose): Remove dead code / simplify code
  7. Test (e2e): Ensure localSearchPromptDisplayed is set upon closing the dialog
  8. Test (webmail): Adapt test to new structure. Prefer contacts over searchindex

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Runbox 7 updates May-June 2020: Webmail improvements and bug fixes

Runbox 7 enhancements and bug fixes, including better navigation, improved message handling, and a Welcome Desk with common tasks for new and existing users

A full changelog can be seen directly in the app at Runbox 7.

  1. New feature (webmail): Highlight currently “opened” email in mail list
  2. Bugfix (webmail): Fix up/down navigation in maillist
  3. Bugfix (webmail): Close mailviewer when email is deleted via multi-select operation
  4. Bugfix (webmail): Don’t “check” emails in folder view unless actually clicking on the checkbox
  5. Bugfix (webmail): Display selected-mail operations whenever more than one message is selected
  6. Bugfix (messagetable): Display time instead of the date for messages received after midnight
  7. Bugfix (mailviewer): Store message list view settings in browser
  8. Bugfix (mailviewer): Grow HTML view to proper size right away
  9. Bugfix (contacts): Make sure we’re not adding duplicate contacts to groups
  10. Visual fix (mailviewer): Increase the minimal width of canvastable columns
  11. Visual fix (welcome): Add note about how to return to Welcome Desk.
  12. Visual fix (welcome): Make Welcome Desk a flexbox. Use routerlinks where applicable.
  13. Visual fix (mailviewer): Increase the minimal width of canvastable columns
  14. Bugfix (styling): Fix breakpoints for iPad Pro
  15. Bugfix (compose): Ensure we can forward emails with no To or Subject
  16. New feature (login): Add password reset link to login window
  17. Bugfix (canvastable): Make it possible to open email from the bottom of the screen
  18. New feature (login): Add password reset link to login window
  19. Visual fix (login): More modern look to the login window

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Runbox 7 Calendar now in beta

We are extremely pleased to be able to announce that the Runbox 7 Calendar is now in beta test.

You may be aware that Runbox for a while has provided a calendar (CalDAV) service for calendar clients such as Outlook, Thunderbird Lightning, and macOS Calendar.

If you’ve previously used our CalDAV server you’ll be pleased to be able to finally use it through the web interface, not needing a separate program anymore.

Runbox 7 Calendar

Calendar features

The Runbox 7 Calendar currently offers month, week, and day views, you may add and edit events, and perform other basic actions.

It can also be synchronized with your other programs and devices by setting them up with our CalDAV service.

As this is still a Beta, not everything that your own calendar program can do will be available in the Runbox 7 Calendar quite yet. One notable missing feature is Tasks (TODOs) support – this will be coming later on as a separate feature.

We invite you to try it out by logging into Runbox 7 and clicking Calendar in the main menu.

And let us know what you think over in the Runbox 7 Forum!

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