We’re happy to announce that the long-awaited full message search function is now available in closed Beta test, so let us know if you’d like to try searching ALL your Runbox email and we’ll enable it for you!
UPDATE: You can now enable the new search function by using one of these links:
RMM5: https://beta.runbox.com/mail?enable_new_search=1
Runbox6: https://runbox.com/mail?enable_new_search=1
If you happen to have a lot of messages in your account that you do not need indexed (such as spam), we recommend that you delete them first to speed up the initial indexing.
UPDATE 2: We’ve had some problems creating search indices, and are working to straighten these out. If you don’t get the new search field within a reasonable time after clicking the above link, please try again in a while.
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