New function: Choose signature location

There has been some discussion about our recent modification in Runbox 6 to place signatures at the bottom of replies and forwarded messages instead of above them. Some people prefer top-posting, while others adhere to the more traditional bottom-posting style.

So… We’ve now added an option to choose whether your signature should appear above or below quoted text! You will find the new option under Signature in Preferences.


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Runbox not Accessible (routing problems outside our network)

Update 01-Sep-2013 0915 CEST: We believe the routing issue has now been resolved. If you know otherwise, please get in touch.

A small number of our customers are reporting that they cannot access the Runbox servers via their Internet service provider.

It appears that there is a problem with one or more Internet service providers outside the Runbox network. Our network carrier Blix, along with carriers Cogent and Telia, are working to identify the problem but as yet there is no known cause and no estimated time for a solution.

If you are experiencing problems reaching the Runbox servers and wish to send us your IP address and a traceroute to, please do as they are useful to the Internet providers trying to sort this out. To do this, enter “tracert” in a Command Prompt window on Windows (or “traceroute” in Terminal on OS X), and copy & paste the result into a support request via

We will post updates here when we know more.

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Emails being rejected

UPDATE: As of midnight EST on August 25 this block appears to have been removed. We have yet to be told what caused it however.

Some members may find that emails they are sending are being rejected by some email services. The Runbox servers have been blacklisted for some reason by Proofpoint despite their own website saying there is no recent reason for doing so. We have contacted Proofpoint to find out why we are listed and to get our servers removed.

Addresses affected will vary but we are aware that Apple use Proofpoint on their, and addresses and it seems a variety of educational organizations also use their list on email addresses ending in .edu

Rejected emails will usually include mention of Proofpoint in them, and this is how you will know if your emails are being affected by this.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

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New Runbox Help Website

We are pleased to announce that Runbox now has a new help website at

While we wanted a new format so that information was clearer and easier to find, we also recognized that some of the information on the old help website needed updating.  With the new website, we have done both at the same time!

We have highlighted some of the main areas that Runbox members are likely to need at the top of the page: How-tos, FAQ, and Documentation.

Lower down you will find facilities to search the help website, and also select topics from the tag cloud and category list.


On the new Help site you will see we have a new section called How-tos. These are articles on how to set up services or software to work with Runbox, like how to set up the Thunderbird email client, or how to change the MX settings with a domain host so that you could use your own domain with your Runbox account.

We will continue to add to these as we are sure there are other things that would be useful. If you think of any, let us know!

Frequently Asked Questions

We have updated the Frequently Asked Questions, and put them in a section that is easier to find and navigate.  If you think there are additional questions and answers that should be in there that aren’t, please let us know.


On the new Help site you will see we have brought across all the usual Documentation and also updated it.  We still have work to do on graphics for some areas, and will be producing some updated and new video guides explaining how to use certain features.

How to find what you’re looking for

Finally, a word about Search and Categories/Tags. You can now find what you are looking for by using the Tag Cloud, or the list of categories (Site map) on the right-hand side. Clicking on a tag or category will take you to an alphabetical list of pages that are related to that topic.

Search will of course look for keywords in documents, and attempt to list them in order of relevance.

We hope that you find the new help website useful, and we would be pleased to hear from you about ways in which we could improve it.

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Email Privacy, Security and Runbox

In recent weeks (for some reason) we have seen an increase in demand for information about whether Runbox collaborates with any government law enforcement agencies when it comes to the email sent and received by our members.  We have also had numerous enquiries asking what we do to ensure the privacy of email sent and received by Runbox members.

It seems like a good time to review what Runbox does and doesn’t do.

Monitoring by Law Enforcement & Security Agencies

Runbox is not involved in any routine exchange of members’ data with anyone.

All email data is stored in a secure facility in Norway and access to the data center is very strictly controlled.

Casual requests for information about Runbox members and their email are categorically rejected.  More formal requests are always directed to the Norwegian court system.  Only if a valid Norwegian court order is received, and the proper procedures have been followed, will the request be considered. At that point it will be referred to our legal representatives.

We adhere to our own strict Terms of Service as well as Norwegian laws and regulations, and if we become aware of activity that is contrary to those we will take appropriate action.

Details of laws and regulations as they apply to Runbox can be found on our Email Privacy and Offshore Email page.

Email Privacy and Security

In recent weeks certain claims have been made that email can be intercepted by government agencies as it crosses international borders. Regardless of any truth or otherwise in these claims, the security of email transfer is essential.

It is important to distinguish between three points of security.

  1. Security of the connection between you and the Runbox email service.
  2. Security of the connection used between the Runbox email service and other email services.
  3. Securing the content of your email in addition to 1 and 2 above.

In the case of the first point Runbox provides the facility for email to be encrypted during transmission to and from our members. All that the member needs to do is use our server with the appropriate settings.

On the second point, we employ encryption techniques when sending to and receiving from other email services. However, this is only available if the other service also offers this facility.  If it doesn’t then we have to use an unsecured connection.

The third point is entirely under user control.  If a message’s content is encrypted before sending or receiving through Runbox, then whether it is transmitted securely or not is much less important because only the sender and recipient will be able to decrypt the message and read it.

Runbox is planning to provide a method of allowing members to encrypt and decrypt messages using PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) within the Runbox Webmail.

The best way to encrypt messages with your Runbox account today is to use the Thunderbird email client with the Enigmail Open PGP add-on.

For more information about email security see our page on Secure Transfer of Email.

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New function: Save recipients in Contacts

In Webmail > Compose (Runbox 6 only) you now have the option to save the recipients of a message in Contacts.

This option is found next to the Send button, and if checked, it will add any recipients to Contacts that aren’t already listed there. The new contacts will be saved in a separate Group called “Auto-saved” to make it easier to find them in Contacts.

The next time you compose a message, the saved recipients will show up in the Groups and Contacts list to the right. They will also appear as suggested matches when you start typing in the recipient fields.

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Runbox, email privacy, and the recent news

In the last few days we have seen an increase in inquiries about privacy and security, and particularly whether Runbox could be involved in programs similar to those outlined in the recent allegations about interception of communications data by law enforcement agencies.

As a Norwegian company and service, Runbox is protected by Norwegian law and privacy regulations because all our email servers are located in a secure facility in Oslo, Norway. No entity, domestic or foreign, can access email or files stored in our data center without a Norwegian court order.

You can read more about US, European, and Norwegian privacy regulations here: Email Privacy and Offshore Email

Email encryption

To protect data being transferred to and from the Runbox servers in Norway, it’s important to use encryption such as SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) which is available both in the Runbox Webmail and in email clients.

When using Webmail, make sure that the SSL padlock icon is visible in the browser’s address bar and that the domain’s identity is verified as

In email clients such as Outlook and Thunderbird, set up your Runbox account with SSL according to the instructions found on our IMAP help page.

Runbox plans to extend our encryption support in the near future to allow complete encryption of messages all the way from sender to recipient.


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Unlimited Aliases – Using Domain Catch All with Filters


From time to time we get asked by members if we could allow unlimited aliases on domains as part of our standard plans that have email hosting included. We understand that if you own a domain you want to use it in a way that suits your needs.

You can of course purchase additional aliases for your account and use them with your domain.  However, this comes at additional cost, and there is another way that you can effectively create aliases for free.

Using Catch All

In Account > Email Hosting you will see a list of your domains (if you have any) and next to each one is the option to allow that domain to “catch all” email that is sent to it.  The benefit of selecting catch all for a domain is that all email sent to will be delivered to your account.


  • you don’t need to set up aliases you can just make up and use it immediately
  • emails where people mistype the alias will still be delivered (as long as they spell the domain correctly of course)
  • effectively unlimited aliases


  • it could increase the amount of spam you receive because all email is delivered and spammers may try to guess aliases

As you can see, the pros outweigh the cons, and there is even something you can do about the spam issue (see below).

Using Filters with Catch All

When using catch all, emails can still be filtered just as with any alias that is set up.  With the careful use of filters a lot of flexibility can be achieved.  If you look at the screen-shot below, you will see a number of filters are being used for different purposes. An explanation of each filter follows the screen-shot.


In the case of each filter the “Header” option is used because the use of “To” would not match emails where someone sends to your address/alias in the CC or BCC fields.

Filter 1:  Filters emails sent to and moves them to the Inbox.

Filter 2:  Filters emails sent to and moves them to a folder called Personal.

Filter 3:  Redirects emails sent to to any other email address you want, and does not leave a copy of the email in your Inbox.

Filter 4:  When you use your own domain with Runbox, by default we always allow email to to get to your Inbox unless you decide to filter them. This is good email practice and this is common across email providers. You will require something like Filter 4 if you decide to implement Filter 5.

Filter 5:  This is where we can do some spam control. This filter deletes all email addressed to your domain that doesn’t match one of the filters that comes before it.  Filters are matched in order, so this one has to come last. If a spammer tries to guess at an address at your domain, this filter will prevent those emails reaching your Inbox.  However, it does not reject them, and people who might mistype your alias will also have their emails deleted with no rejection email to warn them that the email was not  delivered.

A Note about Filter Orders

As mentioned earlier, filters are used in the order they are listed. In the example above the ordering is deliberate even though the order of the first 4 does not matter too much in this case. Filter 5 has to come last otherwise it would delete all email to your domain before the others could filter it.

The order 1-4 that we have used in our example places the filters after our spam filters.  This might be desirable.  However, if you were using a filter to redirect email to another email address, you might want all email to that address including possible spam to be sent to the other address so that filtering can happen in the destination account.

To do this you need to place any filters before filter value -2 (minus 2) as this is where the Runbox spam filters are. You can see a list of filter order values in the Runbox discussion form under Order Values for Filter Processing.

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Email Alias and Email Domain limits increased

After a lot of customer feedback we’ve decided to increase the number of email aliases and email hosting domains included in all Runbox subscription plans.

Both main and sub-account subscriptions as well as legacy subscriptions and the 3-year Medium plan will be upgraded.

The following upgrades will take effect June 1, 2013 for all existing and future Runbox accounts:

Email Aliases

Plan Micro Mini Medium Max
Previously 5 10 20 50
Now 10 20 50 100

Email Hosting Domains

Plan Micro Mini Medium Max
Previously 0 1 2 5
Now 0 5 10 25

You can find a complete overview of our price plans here:

We will continue evaluating our plans and appreciate your feedback!

What about my existing alias/domain add-on products?

If you have any existing email alias or email domain upgrades they will be added to the new quotas. For instance, if you have a Runbox Medium subscription with a package of 5 extra aliases, you now have 55 email alias slots available.

We have deactivated any automatically recurring alias/domain add-ons in case they aren’t needed with the new quotas. You will be alerted to renew them manually when they expire, at which point you can decide whether or not to keep them.

What are aliases anyway, and how do I use them?

An email alias is simply an alternative email address pointing to your Runbox account. By using several addresses you can better organize your email because it lets you manage several “identities” from within the same account.

You can read more about aliases in our recent blog post How To Use Email Like a Pro 3: Use Several Addresses or go straight to Account > Aliases in your Runbox account to set them up.

What are email hosting domains?

An email hosting domain lets your Runbox account receive email sent to addresses Note that this is not the same as an actual domain name, which needs to be registered in the global Domain Name System (DNS) first.

In order to manage your domain’s email in your Runbox account you first need to register your domain in Account > Domain Hosting (or another domain registrar) and set the domain’s MX (Mail eXchanger) record to point to Then you can add your domain in Account > Email Hosting to tell the Runbox system that your account shall receive email sent to your domain.

Finally you can set up email aliases or even other accounts on your domain, using Account > Aliases and Account > Sub-Accounts.

Find out more about Email Hosting and Domain Hosting.

Using Catch All for unlimited aliases on your own domain.

If you own your own domain, it is possible to use the “catch all” function in Runbox Mail Manager as a way to have unlimited email aliases on that domain. You can even use filters to forward emails to other accounts within Runbox, or to other email providers.

To activate this feature go to Account > Email Hosting and select the catch all check box next to the domains you want activate catch all for, and then click “Save Settings”.

All emails addressed to will then be delivered to your account.

We have another blog post about using catch all alongside filters to provide aliases for various uses, and how to control spam that using the catch all function might attract.

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