Decentralized Email for Maximum Privacy and Security

At Runbox, we believe that email should be sustainable, secure, and private. In a world where many major email providers are part of sprawling ecosystems that track your every move and monetize your personal data, we’ve taken a different approach. We provide a service that focuses solely on one thing: your email. No distractions, no ads, and absolutely no data mining. Just email.

As an independent email provider based in Norway, we are proud to offer a service that places your privacy and security first. With over two decades of experience, we’ve built Runbox with a simple mission in mind: to provide a reliable, privacy-respecting email service that empowers you to communicate freely and securely. You know where your data is stored (and it’s not floating around in the cloud).


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How to Recognize and Avoid Email Phishing Scams

In today’s digital world, email phishing scams are one of the most common and dangerous threats to individuals and businesses. These deceptive emails attempt to trick recipients into revealing personal information, clicking on malicious links, or downloading harmful attachments. Phishing attacks can lead to identity theft, financial loss, and even security breaches for organizations. For Runbox users, these scams can specifically target your email account and compromise your sensitive data. But by staying vigilant and following a few key practices, you can protect yourself from these scams.


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Runbox: The Sustainable Choice for Secure Email Services

At Runbox, we believe in a world where our digital communications can have a positive impact on the environment. Our mission is to reduce energy consumption and minimize our ecological footprint, both as an organization and as individuals. We believe that every action, including sending an email, should contribute to a sustainable future. By choosing Runbox, you’re not just using a secure email service – you’re making a conscious choice to support sustainable practices and contribute to the protection of the planet.


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Malware and Your Privacy: How to Defend Against Digital Threats

Malware poses a significant threat to our personal information and security. From ransomware to keyloggers, malicious software programs can infiltrate our devices and compromise our most sensitive data, including contact lists. In this post, we’ll explore how malware works, the risks it presents, and the potential consequences of a breach.


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Runbox Introduces New Affordable 3-Year Price Plans

Runbox is dedicated to providing sustainable email services from the heart of Norway, where strict privacy regulations safeguard your data. We’re excited to introduce 3-year plans that offer a 20% discount. By choosing Runbox, you support sustainable practices that make a positive impact on the environment while enjoying fast, secure, and privacy protected email services from Norway.

We pride ourselves on delivering premium email services at an affordable price. In fact, we have not increased our prices since our company’s inception, and at the same time we have added substantial storage to all our plans. In a time when price hikes on essential services have become the norm, we believe in offering you predictability and stability for a service as vital as email.


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Encrypting Your Email Keeps Your Messages Safe

In today’s digital world, privacy and security are more important than ever. As we navigate online communications, it’s important to understand how encryption can safeguard our emails. Let’s explore what encryption is, how it works, and why you want to consider using it.

What is Encryption?

When you send an email without encryption, it’s like sending a private message on a postcard – anyone who handles it can read its contents. At its core, encryption works by converting the readable data of an email into a scrambled format. Basically, the contents of that email turns into gibberish so that nobody can read it. The point is to keep the email private while it’s in transit from you to the recipient.

Even though most email services use some form of encryption for data in transit, this is not the same as end-to-end encryption. With end-to-end encryption, only the sender and the recipient can read the message. This method effectively prevents anyone else, including email providers, from accessing the content of your messages.

While many of us might feel that we have little to hide and aren’t overly concerned about others reading our communications, it’s important to understand how our information could be accessed. Encryption helps to safeguard our personal information, which may contain sensitive details about our personal finances, family matters, or other private information.


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There’s No Such Thing as Free Email.  

The Real Cost of Our Digital Communications is Our Privacy. 

You’ve been happily using “free” email for years, and haven’t thought much about it. The problem is that it’s not really free. You become the product, and you pay with your privacy. Let’s dive into what it means.

1. Free is not free

With countless services offering “free” email accounts, it’s easy to assume that we can communicate without any cost. But companies that offer free email typically rely on advertising revenue, which means they collect vast amounts of data about our habits, interests, and communications. They use this information to tailor advertising, and that’s how they make money.


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Using Email Aliases to Combat Spam and Protect Your Identity

Do you use email aliases? Aliases are a great tool that can help protect your identity, reduce spam, and organize your inbox. 

Aliases are alternative email addresses that you can use to separate emails. Instead of using the same address for everything, you set up different aliases for online subscriptions, registrations, newsletters, social media, business contacts and so on. Any category that works for you. You can use your main address for friends and family, or create another alias. 

All your aliases are set up under your main email account, and is delivered to your primary inbox. You can even set up filters so that mail is separated into specific folders in your account. 

Not only will aliases give you another layer of anonymity, it also gives you control over your information and makes online tracking more difficult. Having aliases can help prevent someone hacking your main email account, and helps protect you from phishing attacks. If one of your aliases starts to receive lots of spam, you can easily delete the alias and set up a new one.

Benefits of using email aliases


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Privacy Matters – How Our Personal Data Is Used

When we go online or use apps, we are being tracked. Companies collect our personal data by tracking us across the web sites we visit. They build profiles on us based on our browsing history and online behavior. They want to sell us their products and services, and the more they know about us the better they can use this data to manipulate our behavior. 

You know those ads that pop up everywhere after you looked up something? After you’ve looked up a new car, car ads follow you around all day. You research a vacation to Alaska, and travel ads show up everywhere. This is the result of targeted advertising, which is based on data they collected on you. Some call it surveillance capitalism, and it’s big business. 

Privacy is about how your data is collected, processed, stored and used. It’s about maintaining control over your personal information and your identity. Privacy isn’t about hiding secrets, it’s about keeping your personal information safe from people who can do harm.

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